STEMA research in partnership with MAMA has entered second stage Health The ongoing STEMA research on building blocks of positive community health has entered the second stage in Kenya. STEMA, a… 0 671
Celebrating 5 years of strengthening and promoting maternal health Health Maternal Aid for Mothers in Africa (MAMA) is celebrating 5 years of strengthening and promoting women’s health, education and socioeconomic… 0 707
Exploring the Health and Medicinal Benefits of Raw Honey Health Over the years raw honey has been used in homes for many reasons. Not only is honey used for its… 0 864
Communication as a problem: Involving men in sexual and reproductive health conversations Health Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) conversations around the world have focused more on the responsibilities of women and girls. Boys… 0 800
Shortage of community health workers in rural Kenya: What to do? Health Many rural parts of Kenya, such as Baringo County, still face an enormous shortage of community health workers (CHWs) to… 0 789
Eyeing beekeeping in Baringo County to empower women Socio-economic empowerment MAMA Kenya plans to implement a beekeeping project based in Orus area, Tiaty East of Baringo County to empower women… 0 1137
Why antenatal clinic is urgent in Tiaty East, Baringo County and the role of MAMA Wellness Center Wellness Every woman should have access to safe and quality maternal care services, including prenatal, antenatal clinic, and postnatal care, but… 0 700
Partnering with PMNCH to enhance women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health Health We’re delighted to announce our new membership of PMNCH, the world’s largest alliance for women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health. The… 0 544
Addressing Baringo County low immunization coverage Health Baringo County immunization coverage has over the years remained below the national vaccination targets. In 2019 only 72% of infants… 0 524
The state of reproductive health in Tiaty East, Baringo Health Baringo County has some of the most marginalized rural communities with the highest maternal mortality rate in Kenya. The county… 0 762