Building a wellness resource centre and maternity unit
With the support of our partner Altro Foundation UK, our Wellness Resource Centre and Maternity Unit are 100% complete and will kick off operations within the second quarter of 2023. The Wellness Centre is a safe space for women and girls to seek and share health information and receive care services. The Centre will now provide capacity building programs for climate-smart livestock keeping, apiculture, drought-resilient agriculture, entrepreneurship and adult education.
The facility will also serve as research hub as we cultivate data-driven maternal and child care services and affiliate empowerment programs in our community. Currently, we have an ongoing research partnership with STEMA UK, a global health research partner and a disruptive research group pioneering new approaches to community health and sustainable development. We’re open to working with other research groups to develop evidence-based solutions to improve health, education, and economic empowerment in rural and marginalized communities in Kenya and Africa.
The facility is now connected to a sustainable water supply from a community borehole, making it even more ready to kick off operations for the benefit of our community. As we do the finishing touches to the multipurpose Centre, we’re excited that the dream of supporting our community through provision of sexual and reproductive health services will have a strong infrastructural pillar through the bold Wellness Resource Centre and Maternity Unit.
Through the Centre, we have distributed food aid to more than 600 families across nine villages living in Orus Location, Tiaty. Due to persist drought that has seen most parts of Tiaty receive inadequate rain since 2019, the Pokot’s main source of livelihood, which are livestock animals, have died in droves and left the community struggling to find food and water for survival. As a temporary solution, we have been working with local and international partners to distribute food to our community to fight against malnutrition and starvation amid the severe climate change effects that has rendered the traditional community water sources dry.
We have rolled out bee farming as the first project geared towards the economic empowerment of our community in Orus, Tiaty Sub-County. All the hives in our apiary except one have been colonized by bees. We intend to expand the project as a part of building a sustainable source of funds to support our programs and as an economic support hub for our community.